Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chicken or Egg?

So after many long years of waiting, I finally have been acquired by a flock of chickens! Arriving on May 4th from Cackle Hatchery in Missouri, there are three breeds of this original installment of the Ecotone Flerd: Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, and Barred Rocks. So far, we've only lost three, and the Barred Rocks are by far the most aggressive foragers. I ordered from the hatchery 75 chicks, and when Jen and I moved them to their secondary brooder on Tuesday night, I counted 153! That means they sent me over twice the number of birds I ordered! I was intending to augment the flock with some white and blue egg layers later in the summer, but I don't know now. We'll see. Here are some photos.

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