Monday, January 25, 2010

Porcine Love!

At dusk I was heading out to close up the hens and gather eggs when I topped the hill and saw a hog's head above the high brush. Looking closer, Rambo had mounted. I approached slowly and waited, and can confirm the successful copulation of Rambo and Sadie. Three months, three weeks, and three days until piglets (that's May 13th)!


  1. Did he have a big smile on his face ?

  2. ms Sweetness and lightJanuary 26, 2010 at 7:46 PM

    Do we REALLY need more piglets to consume?????

  3. Brigid, you keep leaving comments which are negative and critical of the very idea of farming, of the whole point of what we're trying to do here. If you're so opposed to farming and have such a negative opinion of it, then why do you keep reading this farm blog?

  4. Does successful copulation entail piglets, or is it merely a possibility at this point? Do you know if they would let him mount them if they weren't already ready to make babies?

  5. Im so glad to hear the good news! Usually when a boar mounts a sow ,she is in standing heat ,which means...she is ready for love and spring babies!
